Files > Volume 8 > Vol 8 No 3 2023 > Diyala 3

Assessment of fish meat consumption awareness of the residents of Dhiqar governorate- AL- Refaie district
Ban salman kadhim AL-Mafragi1,*
1 College of Agriculture University of Sumer, Iraq.
* Correspondence: [email protected].
Available from. http://dx.doi.org/10.21931/RB/2023.08.03.119
The current study showed that the preferred consumption of fish is 50% in all seasons of the year, and there is no strict use of fish consumption during the year. As for the preference for consuming animal protein from its sources, the results showed that it was for consuming poultry meat, followed by all types. Regarding the desire to consume caught (dead) or live fish when purchasing, it was noticed that 62 % of people prefer live fish, and 23% do not have a difference when buying. As for the information about the preferred weights for consumption and the method of cooking, 61% of the sample had superficial knowledge of the types of fish and the selected weight for consumption (1.5 - 2 kg) by 69%, and approximately 61% of the people preferred the method of grilling fish over the rest of the methods. As a result, we must develop awareness campaigns in the community to raise awareness among people to have each trait studied and advance society for better health.
Keywords: fish meat; cooking fish; health awareness,
All classes and species consider whitish or reddish meat an enormous animal protein source necessary for body functions and an essential foodstuff for humans 1. Connecting the relaxation of people in direct proportion with the line of consumption of animal protein is possible. The poor people aggregation do not get more than plant stuff, and many socio-nationality factors affect meat consumption, added to the economic levels 2 3. Another factor affecting the consumption line is fish prices with different types. 4 . Fish meat is considered an essential source of food nutrients. In addition to protein as a chief constituent, fishes contain a group of soluble vitamins in fat and water.
It also contains some mineral elements, essential in high ratios of calcium, phosphorus and fatty acids ( Omega 3,6 ), preventing blood glutting and decreasing triglycerides. So that its consumption will reduce the dangers of heart diseases, thrombus, and Pictor 5. Fish eggs contain a high percentage of phosphorylated protein, so their consumption decreases body fat triglyceride and cholesterol in the blood 6. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the awareness of people of the importance of fish and the bezel of preference for fish rather than other meat.
The study samples group included students, a lecturer, and other Sumer University College of Agriculture – AL- Refaie district staff members. A (130) questionnaire was set for data collection and took the range and ratio to each property. This questionnaire included age, education, achievement, and monthly earnings. Besides, other information from which types and rates of daily fish consumption favored fish types (source, preparation) awareness of people to fish. In addition, animal protein is consumed, and some factors affect the amount of fish consumed.
The fish meat demands increased in the last years due to an increase in feeding awareness of the consumer 7, and pathological problems which may appear against production and consumption of other types of meat such as avian influenza, BSE, etc. 8. FAO indicated at 2001 that the average of consumption to the Arabian person from fishes about 0.11 Kg which is less than in the world about 12.1 Kg 9. The amount of consumption may be affected by many factors like the amount of fish found in the market and the ease of getting on fishes10. In addition to the number of trapped fishes annually from 1991 -2012 as listed in table 1 11. In the same role, the fish production in Iraq is shown in Figure 1 12.
Table 1. The number of trapped fish annually from 1991 -2012
Figure 1. Fish farms survey report for the year 2008 .
It was observed that the level of the season consumption to another during the year was estimated at 41.2% in winter, 7% in spring, 19.9% in summer, and 32.0% in autumn. A recent study found that 50% preferred fish consumption in all-year seasons, and there is no strict use of fish consumption a year. However, 25% preferred the consumption of fish in winter, 17% in spring, and 8% in summer.
The results showed poultry are preferred more than other types of meat, as shown in Figure 1 in case of favorability to consumption of Animal protein from its sources. Conversely, Figure 2 showed that 62% of persons preferred life fishes, 23% anything no problem, but 15% preferred dead trapped fishes to run away from false things in trapping fishes and to know the range of expiry date of this food or damaged fishes due to long storage and inadequate storage conditions.
Figure 2. Percentage of preference for the type of protein consumed
Figure 3. The preference for fish, whether caught dead or alive, from where they were purchased.
Figure 3 shows that about 61% of the sample have a simple acknowledgment of the fish types found in the market,31% have complete formations about known types of fish, and 8% do not know anything about types of fish.
Figure 4. The consumer's knowledge of the types of fish available in the market.
Then, the results showed that the most preferred fish weight ( 1.5-2 Kg) was 71%, followed by (0.5-1 kg) at 18% and more than 3.5 kg at 11%, as shown in Figure 4. This study explained that about 38% of the sample prefer a good amount of fat inside the body, and 31% do not prefer fat in fish bodies. Though 31% of which did not consider the presence or absence of fat in fish. Finally, about 61% preferred processing by fire, which is considered an important healthy method in the preparation of fish, and the presence of fat gives flexibility to meat; 8% preferred processing with oil and 31% anyway. Many factors affect the amount of fish consumed in the studied group, where 31% of the sample showed the expensive prices of fish considered as the main problem to them that affect the amount of consummated fish. At the same time, 8% found that the critical health factors may be from. The primary determinants of the changes in the consummated amount were that 61% were unaffected by health or cost factors and that no factor affected fish consumption. They knew the awareness of studied samples in food efficacy and the amount of essential factors introduced to our bodies. 46% were familiar with its importance and what was introduced to the body. While 39% are not considered to have this property, 15% still need information about the importance of the food efficacy of fish and its benefits to the body rather than other animal protein types. Form other found results must give good information about the benefits of fish to the health of the body.
Figure 5. The preferred weight of fish when buying.
Figure 6. Preferred cooking method for the sample.
Increasing and decreases in the means of fish trapping may be observed because of many factors affecting watery places. On the other hand, the amount of produced fish from fish farms in Thi-Qar province was estimated to be about 22 farms distributed in Thi-Qar province in 2008. in general observation of the percentage of productive farms through 2008 at the level of the whole of Iraq, there was a decrease in the mean of production in Thi-Qar province compared with other regions, as shown in map 1.12. The results agreed with 13 in terms of preference for palatability of poultry compared to fish and red meat, as well as choice for fresh fish in a percentage. Fishes, which are the natural source, are known so that there is differentiation between its origins and the ability to connect between this character and the acknowledgment between fish type's ability found in markets. This case was not considered a problem in fish consumption because the preferred fish weights are 1.5-2 kg. This ratio represents consumers' hope in consuming the approximated middleweights, which goes back to the food efficiency of this meat. Besides, the amount of fat fish has when its weights increase leads to increasing its consequences inside the indoor systems and an increase of bodily precipitated fat in fish. The cooking method rates showed the highest method in preparing the fish meal and did not use oil because it is dangerous for the body's health 14-16. The results agree with. 15, where the percentage of individuals prefer frying fish more than grilling.
The current study showed that the preference for fish meat was low compared to poultry meat and ruminant meat despite the great nutritional benefits of fish meat. As for the consumption of live fish, to avoid buying unfresh fish, and the ideal weight consumed was 1.5 to 2 kg, awareness should be raised through regulation Nutrition awareness campaigns in the community and communication with breeders for marketing with these weights to achieve the highest desired benefit.
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Received: 25 June 2023/ Accepted: 26 August 2023 / Published:15 September 2023
Citation: AL-Mafragi1, B. Assessment of fish meat consumption awareness of the residents of Dhiqar governorate- AL- Refaie district. Revis Bionatura 2023;8 (3) 119 http://dx.doi.org/10.21931/RB/2023.08.03.119