Files > Volume 8 > Vol 8 no 4 2023

Influence of adding sage leaves on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and rumen fermentation in Awassi lambs
Murtadha Al-Bakhati1 , Anmar Al-Wazeer2,*
1 Department of Animal Production/ Faculty of
Agriculture/ University of Kufa/ Najaf/ Iraq; [email protected].
2 Department of Animal Production/ Faculty of
Agriculture/ University of Kufa/ Najaf/ Iraq;
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Available from. http://dx.doi.org/10.21931/RB/2023.08.04.78
Available from. http://dx.doi.org/10.21931/RB/2023.08.04.78
This study was conducted to determine the effect of adding
different levels of sage leaf powder (SLP) to the diet of local Awassi lambs on
growth performance, feed intake, digestibility and rumen fermentation. Sixteen
Awassi male lambs 4-5 months of age were randomly distributed into four
treatment groups: no feed additive (SLP0), 5g (SLP5), 10g (SLP10) and 15 g
(SLP15) of sage leaves powder/kg of dry matter (DM) were added to the diet.
Results revealed that adding SLP did not affect feed intake. However, growth
performance, dry matter and organic matter digestion were recorded higher
significances (P≤0.05) in lambs fed SLP5 and SLP10 than in lambs fed SLP15 and
SLP0. Total volatile fatty acids concentrations were significantly increased
(P≤0.05) in lambs fed SLP5 than other lambs. In conclusion, the addition of SLP at 5g/kg DM in the diet of Awassi
lambs improved growth performance and nutrient digestibility with a positive
effect on ruminal fermentation.
Keywords: Salvia officinalis; Awassi lambs; Growth performance; Nutrient digestibility; Rumen
Limiting antibiotics as feed additives is one of the main
objectives of the ruminant industry nowadays. There is a critical demand for
feed additives acceptable to milk or meat consumers and can manipulate rumen
fermentation to enhance digestibility and reduce environmental pollution with
nitrogen and methane1,2,3. The aromatic medicinal plants and their
extracts with high concentrations of secondary metabolism compounds such as
terpenes, tannins, phenols, flavonoids, and essential oils are good candidates for
these requirements 1,4,5. They are safe and natural plant additives
that do not hurt human and animal health while improving the health and
performance of animals 6,7,8.
Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) is a fragrant perennial,
evergreen subshrub of the Lamiaceae family that is indigenous to the
Mediterranean and Middle East but has naturalized in other regions of the world8,9.
Sage was cultivated worldwide for its culinary, medicinal, and flavor
properties. Secondary metabolites in sage leaves include essential oils
(monoterpenoids) like α-Thujone, β-Thujone, 1,8-Cineole, α-Pinene, β-Pinene,
Camphor, Camphene, sabinene and borneol10,11,12 as well as
polyphenolics like rosmarinic acids and carnosol 1,13. Some of these
compounds possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antifungal,
anticancer and antibacterial properties 8,10,14. Numerous studies
have evaluated sage leaves and their essential oil as a feed additive, focusing
on feed digestibility and methane production using in vitro ruminal
fermentation15,16,17. Therefore, the current study investigated the
effect of different levels of sage leaf powder on growth performance, nutrient
digestibility, and rumen fermentation in local Awassi lambs.
This experiment was conducted at a private field in
Al-Dujaili/Al-Kut District, Wasit Governorate, Iraq. Awassi lambs were purchased
from the local market in Al-Kut and transferred by car to the location of the
study. The animals were treated with internal and external parasites before
starting the experiment. The sage (Salvia officinalis L.) leaves were
also purchased from the local market in Al-Kut, finely ground and kept in
airtight bags.
A sample of 20 g of dried sage leaves powder was soaked in water
for 24 h, and 20 mL of hexane was added to separate oil from the water using a
Clevenger-type system for 3 h at 4 °C. Shimadzu 2010 (Japan) gas
chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) with a flame ionization detector and a
DM-5Ms capillary column with lengths (30m × 0.25 um × 0.25 mm), where injection
area and detector temperature were 280 °C and 340 °C, respectively. The
temperature of the separation column was gradually increased, starting from 100
– 300°C. Inert nitrogen gas was used as a carrier gas at a rate of 100 KPa to
identify components in sage essential oil according to the method18.
In a completely randomized design, a feeding trial was conducted using sixteen
local Awassi male lambs with an average initial body weight of 22.38 ±0.57 kg
and ages 4-5 months. The lamb was housed in a semi-shad barn with an individual
pen (2×1.5 m) equipped with feeding and drinking facilities. The concentrate
mixture contained (per kg DM) 450g barley grain, 180g
yellow corn, 240g wheat barn, 100g soybean meal, 10g limestone, 10g common salt
and 10g premix. All lambs received a concentrated mixture of 3% of their
live body weight twice daily, while wheat straw was offered ad libitum
as roughage for 63 d, preceded by a 14-d adaptation period. Lambs were randomly
divided into four equal treatment groups (4 lambs each) and fed a concentrated
mixture without additive (control, SLP0), concentrate + 5g/kg DM (SLP5),
concentrate + 10g/kg DM (SLP10), and concentrate+ 15g/kg DM (SLP15). The SLP
was supplied into one dose mixed with 0.25 kg of concentrate before morning
feeding to ensure the whole dose was received19. Fresh and clean
water was available ad libitum to all lambs during the experimental
Feed intake was recorded daily, and lambs were weighed weekly. The
average daily gain and feed conversion ratio were calculated. The digestibility
trial was conducted on the ninth week of the experiment. Daily feces
samples of each lamb were collected before morning feeding for 5 d using
collection bags. Feces samples were dried at 60° C for 48 h in a hot air oven
and kept for further analysis. Representative samples of concentrate mixture,
wheat straw, sage leaves powder, and dried feces were finely ground to pass
through a 1mm screen sieve, and analyses for dry matter (DM), ash, crude
protein (CP), ether extract, (EE) and crude fiber (CF) contents were performed
according to AOAC2. The organic matter (OM) content was calculated
by subtraction of 100-ash. The nitrogen-free extract was calculated: NFE (g/kg
DM) = OM-(CP+CF+EE). The metabolizable energy was calculated as ME (MJ/kg DM) =
0.012CP + 0.031EE + 0.005CF + 0.014 NFE21. Ingredients and chemical
composition of concentrate mixture, wheat straw and
sage leaves powder are shown in Table 1.

a calculated NFE (g/kg DM) = OM-(CP+CF+EE)
b calculated ME
(MJ/ kg DM) = 0.012CP +0.031EE+0.005CF +0.014NFE 21
Table 1.
Ingredients and chemical composition of the concentrate mixture, wheat straw
and sage leaves powder used in the experiment.
For rumen fermentation variables, rumen fluid samples were
collected at 3 h after morning feeding using a flexible esophageal tube on the
last day of the digestibility trail. After discarding the first 50 mL of rumen
fluid to minimize saliva contamination and then collecting about 50 mL of rumen
fluid, the pH was determined immediately using a portable electronic pH meter
(HANNA). The collected rumen fluid was filtrated through 4 layers of
cheesecloth, and a few drops of HCl and H3PO4 were added
to stop the microbial activity. It was then centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 15 min.
Then, the samples were kept frozen at -20ºC for subsequent analysis of ammonia
nitrogen concentration (NH3-N) according to AOAC20, and
total volatile fatty acids (TVFA's) concentration was determined using Markham
distillation apparatus following the distillation method22.
Data from feed intake, growth performance, nutrient digestibility
and rumen fermentation variables were statistically analyzed using a completely
randomized design with one-way ANOVA in SAS software23. The post-hoc
Duncan multiple comparison test was used to compare among the means 24.
Essential oils in Sage leaves
Table 2 shows the chemical compounds found in
sage leaves extracted essential oils. The GC/MS analysis of the oil revealed
the presence of 21 constituents, which account for 97.4% of the oil. As seen in
the same table, the major constituents (up 8 %) of the oil were 1,8-Cineole
(12.3%), Camphor (11.2%), α-Pinene (9.8%) and α-Thujone (8.5%).
Table 2. The GC-MS analysis of essential oils in sage leaves.
Feed intake and growth performance
The addition of different levels of SLP did not
affect (P≥0.05) dry matter intake of roughage (361.35±5.07 g/d), concentrate
(723.04±15.03 g/d) and total (1084.39±14.85 g/d) in lambs. The final weights
were similar in all groups and ranged from 30.83 to 33.00 kg, but total weight
gain was higher (P≤0.05) for lambs fed SLP5 and SLP10 (10.33 and 9.33 kg)
compared to the lambs fed SLP0 (8.50 kg) and SLP15 (8.75 kg). A similar trend
happened with average daily gain (147.62 and 133.33 vs. 121.43 and 125 g/d,
respectively) (Table 3). The feed conversion ratio improved significantly
(P≤0.05) when lambs were fed SPL5 (7.57) and SLP10 (8.23) during the fattening
period compared to those fed SLP15(8.56) and SLP0 (8.77).

a,b within a row
with different superscripts different significantly (P≤0.05); SEM= Standard
error of the means; NS= not significant; SLP0=Lambs fed without additive;
SLP5=Lambs fed 5 g sage leaves powder /kg DM; SLP10=Lambs fed 10 g sage leaves
powder /kg DM; SLP15=Lambs fed 15 g sage leaves powder /kg DM.

Table 3. Feed intake and growth performance in Awassi lambs fed
different sage leaf powder levels.
Nutrient digestibility
The apparent digestibility of dry matter and
organic matter of the diet in lambs fed SLP5 and SLP 10 were improved
significantly (P≤0.05) compared with those fed SLP0 and SLP15. However,
increasing levels of sage leaf powder did not affect other nutrient
digestibility of crude protein, ether extract, crude fiber, and nitrogen-free
extract (Table 4). However, there is a numerical increase of 10g/kg DM.

a,b within a row
with different superscripts different significantly (P≤0.05); SEM= Standard
error of the means; NS= not significant; SLP0=Lambs fed without additive;
SLP5=Lambs fed 5 g sage leaves powder /kg DM; SLP10=Lambs fed 10 g sage leaves
powder /kg DM; SLP15=Lambs fed 15 g sage leaves powder /kg DM.
Table 4. Nutrient digestibility of the diet in Awassi lambs fed
different levels of sage leaves powder.
Rumen fermentation
There were no
significant differences in ruminal pH values or ammonia nitrogen concentrations
as the levels of addition with sage leaves powder were increased. However, the
concentration of total volatile fatty acids (TVFA's) showed superiority
(P≤0.05) in lambs fed SLP5 and SLP10 compared to those fed SLP0 and SLP15.

a,b within a row
with different superscripts different significantly (P≤0.05); SEM= Standard
error of the means; NS= not significant; TVFA's= Total volatile fatty acids;
SLP0=Lambs fed without additive; SLP5=Lambs fed 5 g sage leaves powder /kg DM;
SLP10=Lambs fed 10 g sage leaves powder /kg DM; SLP15=Lambs fed 15 g sage
leaves powder /kg DM.
5. Rumen fermentation variables in Awassi lambs fed different sage leaf powder
Sage leaves used in the current study were rich in essential oils,
and the major compounds were 1,8-Cineole, Camphor, α-Pinene and α-Thujone. It
is within the range reported by 10,25. Previous research has
revealed that the significant constituents of sage essential oil are α-Thujone,
1,8-Cineole, α-Pinene, β-Thujone, Camphor, and Borneol11,12. The
amounts of active compounds of sage vary by region due to environmental factors
(climate, water availability, agronomical treatments), processing, drying
method and extraction methods8,9,14,25.
Literature on the effect of sage leaves and their extracts, such as
essential oils, on ruminants' feed intake and growth performance is very
scarce. To our knowledge, this study is the first study to utilize Salvia
officinalis leaves but not essential oils as a source of Phyto factors in
ruminant nutrition. Regarding feed intake in the current study, the dry matter
intakes of roughage (wheat straw), concentrate, and total intake were not
affected by feeding Awassi lambs' different levels of SLP. This could be that
feeding sage leaves did not affect the animals' appetites, and the lambs did
not experience any adverse post-ingestive effects. These findings are
consistent with those reported in lambs26,27,28 and goats29,
with no difference in feed intake when rosemary leaves were included in the
diet. Furthermore, 30 reported that roughage and concentrate feed
intake were not alerted when Holstein calves fed on a mixture of leaves,
including sage leaves—31 obtained similar results with no change in
feed intake when fed sage essential oil to lambs.
Regarding growth performance, the positive effect on the total
weight gain and average daily gain of lambs in the current study may be due to
sage leaves' containing flavonoids and phenolic compounds which scavenge free
radicals13,32 or maybe the essential oil in sage leaves act as an
anti-intestinal worm and improve the health status of the lambs33.
Furthermore, sage leaves are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, and C and minerals 34.
They may work together with antioxidants and essential oils 35 to
improve the rumen environment and the weight gain of lambs. Lambs fed SLP5
gained about 26 g/d than lambs fed SLP15 and SLP0, and lambs fed SLP10 gained
12 g/day more. This supports the idea that some medicinal herb enhances weight
gain and decrease feed efficiency. These results are in harmony with results
reported by 27 when 0.2 g of rosemary leaves /kg live body weight/
day were added to the diet of Barki lambs. 28 also obtained similar
results when rosemary and laurel leaves were added to the diet of Rahmani lambs
at 0.5, 1%. The feed conversion ratio in the current study has the lowest
value, and this indicates the efficiency of benefiting from the additive
because it is one of the critical economic characteristics. Sage leaves modify
rumen fermentation and increase the production of volatile fatty acids, which
benefits the host animal (ruminant) by providing it with more significant
quantities of microbial protein and increasing the efficiency of feed
utilization 26, which coincides with a reduction in methane production
in the rumen measured in vitro 3. However, growth performance
was not affected when sage essential oil was added to the diet of lambs 31,36.
The discrepancies in fattening performance in different studies might be due to
the differences in concentrations of essential oils extracted, method of adding
herbs, diet, animal and experimental conditions26,37,29,30.
Data needs to be more effective of SLP on nutrient digestibility in
vivo. The superior increase in the diet digestibility of dry matter and
organic matter in lambs fed SLP5 and SLP10 compared with those fed SLP15 and
SLP0 may be due to improved rumen fermentation. Herbs can stimulate the
function of proteases, amylases, and lipases in the pancreas by increasing the
activity of digestive enzymes in ruminants7. Furthermore, some
active ingredients with lower antimicrobial activity, like monoterpenoids with
alcohol and hydrocarbon structures, may be degraded in the rumen and used as a
carbon source by microorganisms in rumen 3,38. Similar results were
reported in lambs 27,28 and 29 when fed animals on
rosemary leaves (Lamiaceae family).
Regarding rumen fermentation variables, with no significant changes
in ruminal pH with feeding sage leaves, the values were within the reference
range for optimum microbial function 39. Several in vitro
studies reported 2,16 that increasing levels of sage essential oils
do not affect ruminal pH. A similar observation was reported by 27, where no
significant differences were observed in rumen pH when 0.2 g rosemary leaves
/kg live body weight/ day were added to the diet of Barki lambs. Similar
findings were reported by 28, who found that feeding 0.5%, 1% of rosemary and
laurel leaves to crossbred Rahmani lambs did not affect ruminal pH values.
However, 17 reported increased rumen pH with sage leaves in an in
vitro study. The effects of rumen pH may differ due to the main chemical constituent's
dependent on the concentrations of the essential oils or compounds used in the
diets 5,40. In the current study, there was no significant
occurrence in the concentration of ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) in the
rumen fluid. However, a numerical decrease occurred with the increase in the
level of addition to a limit of SLP10. This may be attributed to the regulatory
action of sage leaves, which regulates the uptake and release of NH3-N
in the rumen. These results agreed with the results of 26 27.
Antibacterial activity has been demonstrated in different environments 10.
Furthermore, there is a difference between in vitro and in
vivo rumen systems that have greater buffering capacity against
environmental stresses and are more likely to adapt and recover from intense
inhibitors such as compounds found in essential oils 37,40. The
primary nitrogen source in the rumen is NH3-N, and its decrease from
the standard range leads to a decrease in microbial protein production within
the normal range 19,29. Similar results reported that NH3-N
concentrations were not affected by increasing levels of sage essential oils15,16.
Contrary to our results, 3 reported a quadratic increase in NH3-N
concentrations with increasing levels of sage oil in an in vitro study
using rumen fluid from rams, regarding significant increases in TVFA
concentrations in lambs fed low-level (SLP5) and medium-level (SLP10). This may
be due to the significant improvement in the current study's dry matter and
organic matter digestion treatments in those lambs. This result agreed with
those reported by 2,17 when using sage leaves or sage essential oil
in a laboratory experiment but disagreed with those reported by 3, 15.
This is attributed to the effect of phenolic compounds in sage on gram-positive
On the other hand, the effect of flavonoids in sage will stimulate
the fermentation activity in the rumen 16. The results of the
current study were similar to those of studies conducted on animals fed on
medicinal plants of the family or their participation in the same active
compounds. It agreed with the results in lambs 27,28 and goats 29
with an increase in TVFA's concentrations when incorporating rosemary leaves in
the diet of lambs.
The results of this study suggest that feeding sage leaves to
Awassi lambs can improve feed intake, growth performance, nutrient
digestibility, and rumen fermentation. The positive effects of sage leaves on
rumen fermentation were likely due to the phenolic compounds and flavonoids in
sage. These compounds can stimulate the activity of bacteria in the rumen and
increase the production of TVFAs. The positive effects of sage leaves on growth
performance were likely due to sage's antioxidants and essential oils. These
compounds can scavenge free radicals and improve the health status of the
lambs. The results of this study suggest that sage leaves could be used as a
feed additive to enhance the performance of ruminants. Sage leaves are a good
source of antioxidants, essential oils, and phenolic compounds, which can benefit
rumen fermentation and growth performance. Further research is needed to
investigate the long-term effects of feeding sage leaves to ruminants. More
research is also necessary to determine the optimal dosage of sage leaves for
different types of ruminants.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, AA; methodology, MA and AA; validation, MA and
ZZ; formal analysis, MA; investigation, MA; resources, MA and AA; data
curation, MA and AA; writing-original draft preparation, MA; writing-review and
editing, MA and AA; visualization, MA; supervision, AA; project administration,
AA All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was
conducted according to the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki and
approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of the UNIVERSITY OF KUFA (protocol code 20670 on 25-11-2021).
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the Faculty of Agriculture at the
University of Kufa and the Department of Environment and Water at the Ministry
of Science and Technology for enabling us to perform this research in their
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Received: 26 September 2023 / Accepted: 15 April
2023 / Published:15 December 2023
Citation: Al-Bakhati, M.; Al-Wazeer, A. Influence of adding sage leaves on
growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and rumen fermentation in Awassi
lambs. Revis Bionatura 2023;8 (4) 78. http://dx.doi.org/10.21931/RB/2023.08.04.78
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